To begin with: as of today, we have been in this home for one month! With all the progress we've made, it seems like much longer.
When Jason and I began our home search, it was very important to us that we be the perfect people for whatever home we end up buying...that the owners would be excited about passing the torch to us. It did end up happening this way for us, although the passing of the torch was bitter-sweet. Tracy, the seller and grandaughter of the previous owners, gave us this picture and a letter detailing some of the history of this house and the people who lived within it:
When Jason and I began our home search, it was very important to us that we be the perfect people for whatever home we end up buying...that the owners would be excited about passing the torch to us. It did end up happening this way for us, although the passing of the torch was bitter-sweet. Tracy, the seller and grandaughter of the previous owners, gave us this picture and a letter detailing some of the history of this house and the people who lived within it:

This morning we received an e-mail from another grandaughter, Diane, who spent much time in this house as is some of her letter:
Hearing your words, reading your blog... gives me such pleasure and joy. The love, time, and energy you've put into making the house your home -- it is wonderful that you have shared it and included us in it. We are so happy to know that the house is alive with joy, laughter, love, children... my grandparents would be extremely happy to know that such warm, loving, special people get to enjoy a home in which they found those things -- and more.
Thank you for allowing us to share a part of your family's history. Of our family's history. You have done amazing things with the house -- things we thought of doing to "keep it in the family". But I think it is just where it belongs. God bless your family. Your home. Your future. I know you will find such joy and gifts in that house. In your marriage. Your lives. Take care of one another -- my grandpa would slip his arms around my grandma's waist as she did the dishes, standing at the sink looking out at the garden. And he would whisper to her. "I love you." And she knew this to be true. With her whole heart.
Blessings to you, again. And for the disjointed nature of this note, and the changes in subject mid-sentence, I apologize. As my son tells me, "I must have seen something shiny." Perhaps it was my tears. Of joy. Knowing that you love the home as much as did / DO, we.
Our neighbor, Dock, and I are battling over which one of us is the 'luckiest person in Oklahoma'. I think I am but he's got 55 years more than me so I'll let him keep the title.
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