I've never planted a garden before...I'm excited and nervous and neurotic about it. I find myself going outside every half hour or so to make sure that everything is still alive. Until I met Jason I had a certifiably black thumb. Now, after living with happy living plants for a while, I'm going to give a try at
not killing some plants for a change. Thankfully Jason can help me.
It seems like I am approaching it more like an artist than a gardener and I have a feeling that I will be learning ALOT about how laughable this first attempt will be when I look back on it but it was relaxing and creative and I needed that.
What you guys have accomplished so far is AMAZING! Robbie, Jackson and I can't wait to see it in person. The garden is lovely. Love you!
I'm really impressed with what you've done already. I really like the colors you've chosen!
Love the sweet Buddha garden, great new paint, & ugh I hate removing old wallpaper...& all we have had to take out was border. I know you'll all be very happy in your sweet new home:)
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