The irises, peonies, garlic and day lillies that Helen planted years ago are in full bloom...which makes my half eaten baby garden look much nicer. Last week I got to chat with Mike McGrath - of You Bet Your Garden - about my basil and marigold dilemma...as well as a certain spot in my garden that kills everything I plant. He suggested that in the 'death zone' I cut both ends off a metal or plastic can and bury half of it below ground and half above ground. It could be a cut worm. Well it's been over 24 hours and the newest plant is still very much alive...which is longer than any of the other poor plants lasted.
1 gallon of water
5 tablespoons of BLUE dawn soap
5 tablespoons of baking soda
5 tablespoons of olive oil
I sprayed all of the plants that have been having bug issues yesterday evening and everything seems to be doing no worse. That's good enough for me...for now.
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